Company Overview
Comet Integrated Sdn Bhd (502054-M) is a registered company established in 1999. In collaboration with our main principles; Clesse (France), Tecnocontrol (Italy), Hanwei (China),Daesung Measuring (South Korea), Aiut (Poland), Elgas (Czech Republic), ITAP (Italy) and Solimar (Taiwan), we have a leading presence in supporting gas suppliers, distributors and LPG professionals.
We supply products to the domestic, commercial and industrial markets, mainly in Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) and Natural Gas (NG) industries. Supporting the gas industry; both in technical and trade aspect, is our company’s pride and joy. We are also actively involved in initiatives to promote gas safety.
The prime objectives of our company are to stay competitive in the market and provide our customers high quality products and services. Our products accredited with high international standards and subject to stringent quality control. Furthermore, our products undergo a 100% quality control on final assembled products.